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Name : Mathew Samuel Ordered On : 10/08/2024 12:09
Age/Gender : 51Y 3M 29D/Male MPI : 1000867418
Referring Org : ASTER JUBILEE MEDICAL COMPLEX Referred By : Dr.Thannikot Mathai Jaison


Test Name Result and Flag Reference
Unit Specimen Test Method
CBC - Complete Blood Count
Sample : Whole Blood EDTA
RBC6.45 H4.5 - 5.9 10^6 / uL Whole Blood EDTA Hydrodynamically focussed DC detection method
Haemoglobin13.7013.5 - 18 g/dL Whole Blood EDTA SLS Method
Hematocrit45.340 - 50 % Whole Blood EDTA RBC pulse height detection method
MCV70.2 L80 - 101 fL Whole Blood EDTA Cell Count computation
MCH21.2 L27 - 32 Pg Whole Blood EDTA Cell Count computation
MCHC30.2 L31.5 - 34.5 g/dL Whole Blood EDTA Cell Count computation
Red Cell Distribution Width17.5 H11.6 - 14 % Whole Blood EDTA Cell Count computation
Total WBC Count9.754 - 10 10^9/L Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Neutrophils4540 - 75 % Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Lymphocytes35.620 - 40 % Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Eosinophils9.8 H1 - 6 % Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Monocytes8.52 - 10 % Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Basophils0.9 < 2 % Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Absolute Count
Sample :
Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC)4.402 - 7 10^9/L Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC)3.47 H1 - 3 10^9/L Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC)0.96 H0.02 - 0.5 10^9/L Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Absolute Basophil Count (ABC)0.090.02 - 0.1 10^9/uL Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Absolute Monocyte Count (AMC)0.830.2 - 1 10^9/L Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Platelet337150 - 410 10^3/uL Whole Blood EDTA Flow Cytometry
Mean Platelet Volume9.907.6 - 10.8 fL Whole Blood EDTA Cell Count computation


Test Name Result and Flag Reference
Unit Specimen Test Method
Fasting Blood Sugar85 74-100

mg/dL Fluoride Plasma^F Enzymatic,Hexokinase
Note : Factors such as type and time of food intake, infection, physical or psychological stress, exercise and drugs can influence the blood glucose level.
Lipid Profile
Sample : Serum
Cholesterol - Total164 Desirable: <200
BorderLine: 200 to 239
High: > 239
mg/dL Serum Enzymatic,Colorimetric Assay
Triglycerides98 Normal : < 150
Borderline High : 150 - 199
High : 200 - 499
Very High : > 499
mg/dL Serum Glycerol Phosphate Oxidase
Note : Meals rich in sugar, carbohydrates and fat, alcohol, obesity, poorly controlled diabetes, hypothyroidism, renal disease, inherited lipid disorders, drugs such as beta blockers, birth control pills, diuretics, steroids and tamoxifen can lead to elevated levels of triglycerides.
HDL Cholesterol48 No Risk: >56
Moderate Risk: 34.8-56
High Risk: <34.8
mg/dL Serum Enzymatic colorimetric
LDL Cholesterol Direct99 Optimal: < 100
Near Optimal: 100 -129
Borderline High: 130 - 159
High: 160 - 189
Very High:  ≥ 190
mg/dL Serum Enzymatic colorimetric
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio 3.41 <4 Calculation
NON-HDL CHOLESTEROL116 Optimal: Less than 130 mg/dL
Near/Above Optimal: 130-159 mg/dL
Borderline High: 160-189 mg/dL
High: 190-219 mg/dL
Very High: Greater than 220 mg/dL
mg/dL Calculation
SGPT (ALT)2410 - 50 U/L Serum UV absorbance - with Pyridoxal L-5-Phosphate
Electrolytes Panel
Sample : Serum
Sodium 138135 - 145 mmol/L Serum ISE Indirect
Potassium3.83.5 - 5.3 mmol/L Serum ISE Indirect
Chloride10097 - 110 mmol/L Serum ISE Indirect
Total Carbon dioxide(HCO3)2422 - 29 mmol/L Serum UV absorbance - Enzymatic
Note : Kindly note that bicarbonate is the largest fraction of total Carbon Di oxide .
Creatinine Serum
Sample : Serum
Creatinine1.280.6 - 1.3 mg/dL Serum Colorimetric- Jaffe
Note : Elevated creatinine values are encountered in increased muscle mass, severe dehydration, pre - eclampsia, increased ingestion of cooked meat, consuming protein/ creatine supplements, diabetic ketoacidosis, prolonged fasting, renal dysfunction and drugs such as cefoxitin, cefazolin, ace inhibitors, angiotensin ii receptor antagonists, n - acetylcyteine , chemotherapeutic agent such as flucytosine.
eGFR59 L >85 Calculation
Note : Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the better overall index of kidney function. Normal GFR varies according to age, sex, and body size. MDRD equation is used to estimate GFR . It is valid between age of 18 to 70 years with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) .
Urine Creatinine
Sample : Urine
Urine Creatinine (Spot)238.0022 - 328 mg/dL Urine Colorimetric- Jaffe
Microalbumin Urine29.5 H Normal <20
Microalbuminuria 20-200
Clinical Albuminuria > 200

mg/L Urine Immunoturbidimetric
Urine Albumin Creatinine Ratio12.39 Normal : <30
MicroAlbumin: 30-299
Clinical Albumuniria: >300
mg/gm Calculated Value
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